Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

Microsoft Office 2013 full

Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus adalah sebuah software yang sangat sering digunakan untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugas sekolah maupun ditempat kerja. Di versi Sebelumnya Microsoft Office mengeluarkan, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Office 2010 dan yang terbaru Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus . Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus adalah produksi dari pihak Microsoft dikeluarkan tahun 2012, sobat semua tentunya gak mau dong ketiggalan versinya silahkan di download.

Chage log :

  • Operated With Touch Screen - For the first time, Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook is controlled with a touch screen like the opening, shifting can be done to enlarge the documents, files, and presentations.
  • Excess in PowerPoint 2013 - Document, Slide, and presentations can be displayed on the mobile screen, drawn, displayed or hidden with digital pen, stylus or even a finger.
  • Cloud Service - Merge multiple Cloud feature to MS Office 2013 MS Office 2013 defines that to be a "service". Through this feature people can access, edit and save to all Windows-based devices regardless of location.
  • Touch Control - Microsoft also plans to integrate MS Office 2013 to the tablet device, because of that, why is MS Office 2013 already supports touch control function. As is known, some time ago Microsoft introduced Surface tablet models. It could be said by using this feature can provide maximum computing, although using a tablet device.
  • Social Media Integration - Microsoft seems to have seen where every person living in the social media, therefore integrate MS Office. The new version of Sharepoint refurbished and lets see newsfeeds and sharing like Facebook or Google +. Not only that, MS Office will integrate Skype, Lync (communications services and meetings), and Yammer. with these features MS Office 2013 offers easy sharing and exchanging information and communication. Microsoft Office 2013 will be optimal if the system is installed in the Windows 7 to the Windows 7 and Windows 8, while for Windows XP and Vista could be a while yet.


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